Dr.Harleen Kaur shares her views as why Introducing Skill Development in Curriculum is important.

Dr.Harleen Kaur
 As I expressed myself in my last  blogs that  extracurricular activities are very essential for child's holistic development. Continuing with what I earlier said, activities are very important as they result in skill development and character building in the child.

 More than studies why skill development is important as it is the driving force in our developing nation. Today if we have to succeed internationally we need skilled force which is presently very much less in the country. Even I also feel, Lot of candidates come to me with their degrees of computer and IT, but when we take the practical session they are not successful. They hardly know about the trouble shooting and how to rectify.

A degree from a reputed institution is surely an advantage and acts as an initial impetus. Right from interviews with reputed companies on campus, to the value it carries whenever you introduce yourself. But at the same time, as a student, it is extremely crucial to be “context-wise” now  days. ‘Context-wise’ means being aware of the challenges about the profession which will pose in the future and having the foresight to be ready for it.

 As according to me integration of skills  in education is necessary for country to  succeed internationally. Skill development will remain a dream in India if not  imparted in the CBSE curriculum by the government.

 As The school head, I feel there are lot of students who are not able to cope up with a heavy and a rigorous curriculum, so why troubling them, we should impart them  skill based education so that they can be happy and successful in life. Introducing skill training at a young age will go a long way in directing these students to opportunities that will have a larger impact on the general fabric of the workforce in this country.Apart from these, introducing students to some of the employable skills will also help them prepare and adapt to real work situations without much effort. It will ease the transition phase from being a student to being a professional.

 According to me Teaching Learning Pedagogy has to be practical, learning has to be enhanced by field trips, videos, digital and industry driven project.So its high time we Educators And Parents should take a stand and appeal to the government to compulsorily impart skill education in the CBSE Curriculum.

Dr.Harleen Kaur
Mount Carmel School 

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